Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Green Goddess Smoothie...

I’ve always wanted to try a green smoothie but one of the ingredients that make this smoothie turn green is either spinach or avocado, and that make me think…uuhhh may be I will try it later.  Since I’ve been saying that I will try(I will try...) to have smoothie every day, today was a day that I was thinking green….in which exactly I was telling myself that if not today maybe it’s not going to happen ever! …and the result?  It was AWESOME!  And I pinched myself of being such a chicken and tedious and afraid of trying this green goddess.  I used a handful of baby spinach for the bright green color which I've added a little of lime juice so the spinach would leave you a bad taste in your mouth  since the acid in the lime juice would help reduce that tartness.  And if you not a fan of Greek yogurt, you can use plain or any yogurt of your choice.....I don't make a rule here.
So, if you’ve never tried it before, you must!  and I promise, you'll like it!   ^____^

What you need:
1 medium apple of your choice
1 medium Kiwi
1 medium or half of large ripe banana
½ cup or a handful of spinach
2 tbsp lime juice
2 tbsp honey - you can add more if you like
8-ounce non-fat plain yogurt
½ cup crushed ice
 :Blend everything until it turn smoothly. 


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