Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spaghetti Squash Mini Frittata Cups

I got two cute little size of homegrown organic butternut squash and spaghetti squash from my hubby’s former teacher another day, and they were beautiful!   I was too excited about them so I cut the spaghetti squash up and cooked it right away in the microwave for 10 minutes and removed the strands out like spaghetti which it looked gorgeous.  But I still had no idea what to do with it.  So, I saved it for later when my head is clear enough to think about it. 

Today I woke up with an idea of making this dish using spaghetti squash as a base for my mini frittata cups.  That’s absolutely sound so healthy and delish.  As you already know (right?), squash is low in carbs and calories yet plentiful with vitamin C, B6, and manganese, and a fair source of potassium that we need for our bodies.  If those facts don’t make it a miracle food, I don’t know what will.  I also added low-sodium turkey bacon, some cooked spinach and red bell pepper just to make it more colorful.  Well, I love color in my dishes, if you ever noticed.  They are countless of benefits of why you should eat a plateful of color every day.  Fruit and vegetable every day in every meal can help you stay healthy and beautiful, especially for those who are trying to control their waistline.  And I want to be healthy and beautiful, you know?    

What you need:

4 large eggs

1 cup spaghetti squash cooked

1 cup baby spinach cooked (quick stir fry)

½ cup red bell pepper thinly sliced and cooked (quick stir fry)

3 strips low-sodium Turkey Bacon cut into strips

3 tbsp milk

½ cup mozzarella cheese finely shredded

Pinch of salt and ground black pepper


How to:   Preheat the oven at 350’F

-  In the medium bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, and pinch of salt and ground black pepper

-  First layer, fill in the 12-cup muffin pan with cooked spaghetti squash about 1 heaping tablespoon each

-  Second layer, fill with mozzarella cheese about 1 tablespoon 

-  Fill the third layer with cooked baby spinach and then with cooked red bell pepper

-  Fill in the egg mixture and top off with turkey bacon strips

-  Bake at 350’ F for 20-25 minutes

**As these frittata cups can be stored in the refrigerator up for a few days, they make a perfect grab -n-go breakfast in the morning on the way to work, just warm it up in the microwave for 30 seconds and you good to go!

 Enjoy!  ^__^

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