Monday, September 10, 2012

Yum-Kun-Chiang / Spicy Chinese Sausage Salad

Thai called Chinese style sweet sausage, “Kun-Chiang or Koon-Chiang.” I remembered eating this kind of sausage with hot jasmine rice porridge in the morning for breakfast before leaving for school. My dad would fry them in the hot oil until they slightly caramelized and crisped on the outside. The combinations of sweet, salty and fatty taste of fried Kun-Chiang were balanced out by plain steamed rice or rice porridge. He would cut into small pieces, and then we ate and were set off for school in the morning. It was only thing I knew about Kun-Chiang! 

When I grew up to adulthood, I discovered that Kun-Chiang could be used in many dishes including this one “Spicy Yum Kun Chiang,” the grownups version to eat with rice porridge, and cold beer! Aha…the grownups were so sneaky, weren’t they? I thought! 

Anyway, I still love a simple fried Kun-Chiang with just plain jasmine rice as my father used to make for me. It was the best! 

Since I moved to L.A., I remember buying Kun-Chiang and frying them once, but the hubby didn’t really care for its taste. So I stopped buying it.

Yesterday, I was craving for Yum Kun-Chiang, specifically, so here I was making this spicy yum eating by myself. But while I was eating it, the hubby wanted to try. 

Did you know what he said after he had a bite?   “hmmm…..this is so tasty. I’ve never had it like this before. Have you ever made this before?” 

“I grew up eating it in Thailand but you said you didn’t care for Kun-Chiang. So, nope! I’ve never made this yum for you.”  I responded. 

…………..and he just walked away with my plate in his hands!  Oh boy, what have I done! 

This dish is best for an appetizer with cold beer, as Thais say, but I’m not a beer drinker so any cold drinks would do. If you want to try making this dish, please keep in mind that this sausage is already sweet so sugar can be omitted for the dressing. The other ingredients such as chilies, fish sauce, lime juice, or rice vinegar can be adjusted more or less for your own preference. 

Mine was very spicylicious!

What you need:

4 links Chinese sausage
2 small cucumber, peeled and sliced
1/4 cup white or red onion, thinly sliced
1 small tomato, sliced
1 stalk celery, sliced
1/8 cup finely chopped celery leaves
1/2 cup thinly chopped lettuce leaves - optional

For the dressing:

2 tbsp Asian chili garlic sauce
2 tbsp rice vinegar
1 1/2 tbsp fish sauce
1 1/2 tbsp fresh lime juice

How to:

- Cok the Chinese sausage over the grill, as I did, or fry them slightly in the hot oil for a few minutes on both side over medium heat until the outside of sausage turn little brown and crisp. Let them cool down to handle and slice them diagonally about 1/4 inch thick

- In a large bowl, add sausage, cucumber, celery, celery leaves, onion, and tomato, set aside

- In a small bowl, whisk together all ingredients for the dressing and pour onto the prepared salad bowl, gently toss them to blend the flavors - Serve over chopped lettuce bed as an appetizer or light lunch with you very cold drink, if preferred.


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