Saturday, October 27, 2012

Persimmon Galette

Last week I harvested a big load of Fufu persimmons from the tiny tree that I've planted for a couple of years and have been eating 3-4 persimmons every day because I love them so much. But today I've decided to make persimmon galette or a free form pie because……first, I still had Pillsbury refrigerated pie crust and only 1 roll left in the box. Second, I need to get rid of it because I need some room for other things.

And third, I have actually never cooked with persimmons before, except eating them raw – they are so good when eating raw and fresh who would think of cooking them, right? And this is my first cooking with persimmon ever! The recipe is so easy and the result is very impressive for a quick dessert on the weekend. The taste is really nice and clean with a hint of fresh ginger in them. But if you have a scoop of vanilla ice cream along side with it, then you know how to treat yourself right.

What you need:

1 sheet Pillsbury refrigerated pie crust, softened as directed on box
4-5 Fuyu persimmon, peeled and sliced
3 tbsp brown sugar
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tbsp finely grated fresh ginger
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp orange juice
Pinch of salt
granulated sugar for sprinkle

How To:

Preheat the oven to 375’F
- Combine persimmon, brown sugar, salt, orange juice, ginger, coconut oil, nutmeg, and gently toss to mix well, set aside.
- Unroll the pie crust onto the cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Arrange persimmon slice as you like in the middle of the pie crust and leave the edges about 2 inches all around
- Fold up the edges around the fruit filling and pleats/press to secure them together. Brush the edges with the coconut oil and sprinkle with coarse sugar.
- Bake the galette until it turns golden brown and filling is cooked for about 40-45 minutes, rotate once.
- Let it cool a little on the rack and serve warm, with cool whip or a scoop of vanilla ice cream, if desired


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