Saturday, March 2, 2013

Green Tea Smoothie

Just have to believe it, we've entered the month of March already!

Last few weeks the weather in L.A. was still under the cold radar and I was getting tired of being under the layer outfits with heavy sweaters lately. Today my wish is granted because today’s weather can’t be any better than this. It’s sunny. It’s warm, 84’ F!!!...and it’s just gorgeous! And top of that, I’m wearing shorts! Loving it!

 However, just as they say, “Great power comes with great responsibility.” My gorgeous weather has brought along microorganisms of pollens and dusts in the air that caused me to sneeze more than I wish for. Oh well, it’s a gives and takes situation, isn’t it?

As you know, green tea has tons of health benefits (can be found here), I think I will start this month with something that tastes good and yet helps keeping me stay healthy to get ready for beautiful spring and summer, yet soon to come, with this green tea smoothie that may help reduce my allergic reaction a little bit, if not much.

When look at the ingredients for my smoothie, you might think that is very interesting combination. And to be honest, those ingredients are what I have in hands at the moments. Since the pineapple juice has already provided the sweetness, honey was just the optional. I added honey because I just loved the taste of honey. Overall, the combination of green tea + honey + pineapple + baby spinach + Greek yogurt, is the bomb!

If you have an awesome idea to make it better, please share!

What you need:

1-2 tsp. Matcha Green Tea powder
1/2 cup frozen pineapple tidbits
1/2 cup pineapple juice
6 oz. Nonfat Greek Yogurt (or yogurt of your choice)
1 tbsp. honey – optional
10 leaves baby spinach
1/2 cup crushed ice

: Everything goes into the blender and blend it on high speed until smooth and frothy. 

Enjoy & Stay Healthy!

1 comment:

  1. Its such an awesome idea to make the green tea and mix the some different ingredients like Frozen pineapple,Green Tea powder,pineapple juice,Honey ,Ice etc.Overall, the combination of green tea + honey + pineapple + baby spinach + Greek yogurt, is looks awesome.i will also try this at home.
