Friday, August 30, 2013

Gorgeous Green Lemonade with Gingered Syrup

The August's heat in L.A. has been so brutally hot for the past few days.   It’s humid. It’s sticky hot. And it’s reminding me a lot of the weather in Thailand.     The unbelievably heat is so intense that I can get a tan instantly just by walking out to the patio for only less than a mere minutes.   And forget about the cooking.   Who would want to cook with the sizzling weather like this?    I’ve even lost my appetite to make something to eat.   Only thing I can think of right now in the mid-afternoon is a cool refreshing drink like lemonade.     However, to make lemonade more fun to drink, I’ve blended a handful of baby spinach to give a lemonade a gorgeous green color with the stimulating hint of ginger that makes the drink even more interesting.   

What can I say? I’m just having a love affair with ginger!  

Even though it’s just a lemonade with a green color, but I feel very sophisticated drinking this lovely lemonade.

Add rum and crushed mint…and you will have a lovely green mojito!    Agree? 
What you need:

1 handful baby spinach
6 cups filtered water
1 1/4 cups fresh squeeze lemon juice
3/4 cup simple gingered syrup - *see notes below
1 lemon sliced

How to:

- Blend baby spinach with 1 cup of water in the blender for one minute until it turns very fine, then strain the juice through the fine sieve and scoop out the foam on top.
- Transfer the spinach juice into the pitcher and add another 5 cups of wat

- Stir in lemon juice and the syrup into the spinach water to mix well
- Add sliced lemon and keep it chill in the fridge until ready to serve

* make gingered syrup by use 1 cup of water, 1 cup of sugar and 5 or 6 thin sliced of fresh ginger. Bring them to a boil just until the sugar is dissolved, take off the heat and let it sit to cool down. For better stronger flavor, leave it overnight.


Enjoy and stay cool!

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