Saturday, August 24, 2013

Popovers and Honey-Cinnamon Fig Jam

Year after year, the three fig trees in my back yard keep producing tremendous load of figs. And the past few weeks, the hubby and I have been picking and giving them to friends and neighbors. Still, the figs just keep ripening more and more every day. And those who enjoy figs the most are birds and bugs.  

One early morning I woke up with the intention of just picking some figs for friends. But after two hours, I have ended up with 23 pounds of figs! OMG! What did I do with those figs? Easy answer. I made jam, lots of jam! I had made fig jam last year with Celeste figs. The jam paired perfectly on fresh toasted English muffins with the hint of honey and cinnamon that I’ve added into the fig jam. This time I decided to make fig jam with the same recipe but with the Italian black figs this time.

The Italian black figs gave the jam with a beautiful velvet red color but less sweet than the Celeste figs; however, it tasted wonderfully with these little lemony zesty popovers. The popovers are very easy to make.   I baked them in the regular muffin pan because I don't have a traditional popover pan which is deeper and gives the popovers more effectively in its heights.   They may also take sometimes to bake – with the rule of no peaking – but it worth the wait, especially, when having them fresh from the oven with a good jam


What you need:  makes 12 popovers

3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup milk – room temperature
2 eggs – room temperature
2 tbsp. melted butter – cooled
1 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. lemon zest

How to:
- Preheat the oven to 400’ F
- blend the entire ingredients in the blender just until they smooth
- fill the muffin pan about 3/4 in each and bake for 35 minutes until they turn light golden with no peaking or opening the oven to check
- serve immediately with fig jam (or your own favorite jam)


Honey-Cinnamon Fig Jam

What you need:

4 cups fresh Italian black figs, chopped
1 cups sugar
3 tbsp honey
3 tbsp lemon juice + zest
1 tsp ground cinnamon

How To: 

 - Combine everything in the medium pan over medium heat.
- Cook until the sugar is melted, then low the heat down to simmer for another 30-40 minutes or until the fruit is softened and the liquid is thickened. Stir occasionally to prevent burn in the bottom.
- Fill the jam into the sterilized jars and keep in the refrigerator


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