Thursday, September 5, 2013

Gingery Daikon and Carrot Pickle

Pickled daikon and carrot is very popular and famously used as one of the ingredients in Bahn Mi, a
well-known and tasty Vietnamese sandwich. The people I knew have had it and they loved it. Sadly, I have never tried once. What stopping me to try it? You might wonder. Well. Where should I start? I’m not normally eating sandwich. I remember having a tuna sandwich on whole wheat bread skipped the cheese at work for lunch from a nearby favorite lunch spot whenever I forgot to bring my lunch from home probably 3-4 time a month averagely. And I don’t even make a sandwich at home.   Not to mention a burger since I don’t eat beef.    

Vietnamese Bahn Mi sandwich usually use a big thick French baguette that hollowed out the middle and stuffed with the yummy and tasty ingredients. I have seen the size and it looks too heavy for me. I’d rather have whole wheat bread instead if I wanted to try one. Don’t give me wrong. I know the baguette is a tasty bread, especially the crispy one which I have quite often making bruschetta or crostini at home. But I just can’t imagine myself eating the whole sandwich with those thick bread. I probably have to try one but just half of it. That would work!

Anyway, daikon, carrot, and ginger are my favorite vegetables that I always have them at home, or I may say I can’t live without them, besides garlic! It’s the kind of a must-have items at home. Since I’ve been cutting my own “baby carrot” for snack, after a while I got bored snaking on plain carrot sticks and I thought, “Let’s pickle them then!”

If you look at the ingredients listed below, you might be curious about how much the ginger I have added to it. One cup of fresh sliced ginger is a whole lot, probably too much. But what can I say, I am just in love with ginger. If you are not a fan of ginger, reduce or skip it no big deal. My pickle came out with a strong spicy gingerly taste. Plus, the heat from jalapeno even make it even bolder and tastier. And I just love it.

What you need:

1 lb. daikon, sliced into matchsticks
1 lb. carrot, sliced into matchsticks
1 cup ginger, sliced into matchsticks
2 medium green jalapeno, cut crosswise
3 cups warm water
1 cup distilled vinegar
1/2 cup sugar + 1 tbsp.
2 tbsp. salt + 1 tsp

How to:

: In a large bowl, combine sliced daikon, carrot, and ginger, then Sprinkle 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt over and use your two hands give it a massage until the vegetables are soften for about 5 minutes. Then rinse with cold water and drain. Transfer the vegetables into the prepared jar and sliced jalapeno. Set aside.
: Mix together warm water, vinegar, sugar, and salt and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Add the vinegar mixture into the vegetable jar, close lid tight and keep it in the refrigerator
: It can be serve the next day, however, for the best result and better flavor, keep it for a 2-3 days before serving as a side dish or in sandwich (Bahn Mi) or whatever you like.


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