Thursday, June 4, 2015

Fresh Strawberry with Greek Yogurt Cake

  Living the Southern California I expect the sunshine all year round.  Do you?   What is it about May grey and June gloom anyway.  So silly!  I need my loving and warming sunshine baaaaack!   Anyway, ain’t no sunshine in LA lately, and today is no exception. The air is a little bit cool with some big fluffy clouds over the town that seems like it’s going to rain to make us the Californians happy a little.  But it didn’t.  Meh!  

Anywho, after I finished my second cuppa coffee, I decided to bake a quick dessert cake for the sweet tooth hubby since I had a box of fresh strawberries in the refrigerator waiting to be eaten for a few day now.  

I used cake flour for this cake because I’ve learned that cake flour produces softer texture cake.  But all-purpose flour can absolutely be used.  I used Greek Yogurt in my cake instead of milk, plus fresh squeezed lemon juice which helped adding the depth to the cake.  As the result, the cake came out so moist and soft, or I’d say it literally melted in my mouth!  It was a perfect dessert after dinner when served with some more fresh strawberries and a drop of cool whip on the side.  Icing was not necessary at all.  I was not the one who like dessert that much but I kept nibbling on the cake while trying to take photographs of it.  And the piece for my prop was gone!   The hubby had a big piece after dinner and I thought he was licking the plate cleaned!   No. I didn’t go over the top on that. 

Why don’t you try to make one and let me know if you agree, or not! 

What you need: for 8-inch round cake pan

1 1/2 cups cake flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 cup sugar
6 tbsp. butter, soften
2 large eggs
3/4 cup Greek Yogurt
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 tbsp. fresh squeezed lemon juice
2 cups fresh strawberry, roughly chopped
2 tbsp. sugar for sprinkle on top of cake
Some fresh strawberries to put on top of cake
Cool whip and fresh strawberries to be served with the cake
Some powdered sugar for dusting on top of the cake – optional

Preheat the oven at 350’F

1. Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside
2. Beat butter and sugar with a handheld mixer on medium high speed until fluffy and pale in color. 
3. Add one egg at a time and continue beating until well combined. 
4. Add Greek yogurt, vanilla extract, lemon juice, and continue beating until the batter has come together and smooth, about 3-5 minutes.
5. Fold in chopped strawberries.
6. Pour the batter in the well-buttered 8 inches round pan. Gently arrange some cut fresh strawberries on top of the batter however you like, then sprinkle sugar evenly on top of the cake.
7. Bake at 350’ F for 40 minutes just for the top of the cake turns slightly golden and the insert comes out clean.
8. Let the cake cool completely before dusting some powdered sugar on top of the cake.  Serve the cake with some more fresh strawberries and cool whip.  Enjoy!   

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