Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Kabocha squash in Sweet Coconut milk / Buad Fak-thong

If I can remember, I don’t think I’ve shared this kind of Thai dessert with you before though I’ve made it for a few times in the past.   I guess it’s time I must share.  
First of all, the Thai name of this dessert might throw you off the curve a little.   Let’s break it down word by word.  “Buad” means to enter the monkhood, and “fak-thong” is the name we call the pumpkin or kabocha squash (and not other types of squash).   Therefore, “fak” means “squash” (or (v.) hatch) and “thong” means “gold.”   So, “fak-thong” is “gold-squash” since it contains yellow gold color.   And, what buad has to do with fak-thong?!?    I have no idea how they are used together, seriously!   But one thing I know that I’ve been eating this dessert since like….…forever, and I love it.  I love eating the kabocha squash very much no matter how it’s cooked.  The hubby is not so much about this dessert.  Oh well, more for me!  

The palm sugar is usually used in this dessert, but regular granulated sugar or brown sugar can be substituted but the quantity might be different since each has its own distinctive and level of sweetness.  So, use whatever sweetness you have on hand.   Traditionally, buad fak-thong is served lukewarm or at room temperature.  But when I eat I like it on the warm side just as you would drink a cup of hot milk.  It just makes me want to go take a nap afterward. 

What you need:  4 servings
2 cups Kabocha squash, cut into small bites
1/2 cup coconut cream (if using coconut milk which is thinner, use 2 cups)
1/4 cup coconut cream for garnishing – optional
1 1/2 cups filtered water
1/3 cup palm sugar
1/4 tsp. salt

1. Mix half a cup of coconut cream with one and a half cup of filtered water in a medium pot. Then add squash, salt, and palm sugar over medium heat and let it cook for 12 -15 minutes or until the squash is fork-tendered (be careful not to let it cooks too long or it will became mushy). Take off the heat immediately and let cool down.

2. Serve lukewarm for best flavor or serve at room temperature with a teaspoon of coconut milk drizzling over.   Enjoy! 

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