Sunday, March 8, 2015

Meyer Lemon curd

Yesterday, I was thrilled when the hubby came home with a big bag of Meyer lemons he got from our dear friend.  The first thing came to my mind, for some reason, was to make lemon curd.  I just craved for something sweet citrusy lemony, I guessed!   I’ve made lemon curd many times before and it’s never last for long in the fridge because the hubby loves lemon curd with fresh strawberries for dessert so much.   And somehow, the lemon curd and fresh strawberries make such a perfect pairs for a divine dessert.   Ohhhh…that’s why he brought home some lemons!  Hint hint…there!  

I usually make my lemon curd with extra-large size of four whole eggs for this recipe.  But this time I used four egg yolks and two whole eggs just because my eggs were small and I wanted to add some richness to the curd by using more yolks.  That said, egg white makes the curd lighter and yolks make it richer.  So, adjust to your own liking. 

What you need: make 2 cups
1/2 cup Meyer lemon juice
2 tbsp. Meyer lemon zest
1/2 cup sugar
1 stick cold butter cut in cubes
4 egg yolks
2 eggs

1. Beating the eggs and egg yolks in a medium mixing bowl and set aside.
2. Combining lemon juice, lemon zest, sugar, and butter in a medium pan over medium low heat and stir constantly until the sugar is dissolved and the butter cubes are melted.
3. Slowly adding each time a tablespoon of hot lemon mixed into the beaten egg and stirring persistently to temper the egg first, because you don’t want to turn the eggs into scrambled eggs.  After done the tempering, add the mixed egg back into the pan and set over medium low heat and continue cooking and stirring until you see the bubbles and the curd is thicken. 
5. Then strain the curd through the fine sieve.  Let the curd cool down before transfer into a glass jar and store in the fridge until it firm up and ready to serve. 

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